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Your hosts for the 2014 Airfield Marking Symposiums (AMS) have been announced, the dates are set, and online registration is open.
Many thanks to our host airports and sponsors that help make each of our symposiums one of the best training resources in the industry.
If you haven't been to a symposium - you will appreciate the workshop and come away with new found respect for the art that is pavement
Join us in 2014:
- April 8-10, 2014: LAS Airfield Marking Symposium, Las Vegas, NV
- June 17-19, 2014: LEX Airfield Marking Symposium, Lexington, KY
- September 14-15, 2014: YVR Airfield Marking Symposium, Vancouver, BC
- November 2014: Airfield Marking Symposium, To Be Announced
Sightline is currently seeking potential hosts for sympsoiums in 2015. If your airport would be interested in the possibility,
send us an email and we'll reply with more details about hosting the AMS.
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